Personality List

    Globgor Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Globgor? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Globgor from Star Vs The Forces Of Evil 2015 and what is the personality traits.


    INFP (9w8)

    Globgor personality type is INFP, which means he/she is a smart, imaginative, and creative individual. The INFP personality type is also known as the Idealist or Artisan. The INFP personality type is the most common personality type in the world, making up an estimated 14% of the population.

    If you’re an INFP, you will have a love of books, art, poetry, mythology, and philosophy. You are a deep thinker and enjoy searching for meaning behind what you do. You may have a general interest in a wide variety of subjects, but you focus your efforts on things that matter to you. You don’t mind exploring ideas and trying out new things. Shrug off the world’s judgment and focus on your life’s purpose. You may not be interested in money or material possessions, but you do want to feel like you are contributing to the world. You believe that people should treat each other with respect and love.

    Your strengths are creativity, understanding, and communication. You are often very supportive of your friends and family. You can be optimistic and confident, or you can be shy and reserved. You may have some difficulties with shyness or social anxiety.

    Globgor is the monster husband of Eclipsa Butterfly and father of Meteora Butterfly who is first alluded to in "Into the Wand".

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