Personality List

    Tom Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Tom? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Tom from We Bare Bears 2014 and what is the personality traits.


    INFP (6w7)

    Tom personality type is INFP, the idealist. He is a dreamer and a romantic, but his dream can become a nightmare if he is not careful. His romanticism is very genuine and can be changed into blind idealism if not balanced by realistic insights of his own. He also has a big heart and is very compassionate and caring of others. He can be very subjective and can not see anyone`s point of view but his own, but he is very loyal and devoted to those he loves.

    The negative sides of this type:

    He can be too self-centered and selfish and sometimes he is so focused on his own feelings and feelings of others that he does not see the real problems of the world. He can be so optimistic and joyful that he does not see the reality and is very susceptible to negativity and how bad things really are. He can also be too idealistic and unrealistic about how things should be, this can lead him into trouble as he cannot see how things really are.

    His main interest is in music, he can be very passionate about it, but he does not always feel like working on it.

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