Personality List

    Juliet Watson Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Juliet Watson? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Juliet Watson from Life Is Strange and what is the personality traits.

    Juliet Watson

    ESFJ (6w7)

    Juliet Watson personality type is ESFJ, or Extroverted, Sensing, feeling, Judging.

    ESFJ’s are the most common type in the workplace. These are the people who are well liked by people in their office. They are often seen as the “bosses” of the office.

    This Myers Briggs personality type is known as “The Stabilizer”. They are the one who keeps the office running smoothly by helping people with their problems and helping them make decisions. They are also known as the “caretaker” of the office.

    Since they are so well liked, they may not see themselves as leaders. But they can be very effective leaders if they put their minds to it. They also tend to dislike conflict and will distract people from it as much as they can.

    They typically have a very strong work ethic and will often work long hours to keep the office running smoothly. This is because they see themselves as “Kingmakers” of the company and want to make sure that they have a good working environment for their employees.

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