Personality List

    Jose Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jose? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jose from Persona 5 and what is the personality traits.


    INTP (5w4)

    Jose personality type is INTP, with a personality type of INTJ being significantly less common. The INTP personality type is composed of people who have flaws, wish to improve them, and are willing to live with flaws for the sake of improving their character. INTJs are often misunderstood, as they are often seen as self-centered, cold, and lacking empathy. This is far from the truth, as the INTJ personality type has a very high level of empathy and takes on the role of an advocate for their loved ones.

    A few of the most common “mistakes” that people make with the INTJ personality type are to misjudge their level of intelligence, their level of commitment, and their level of self-awareness. When people first meet the INTJ personality type, they often believe them to be self-centered, cold, and lacking empathy. The INTJ personality type is very intelligent and capable, but they often do not recognize the fact that they are intelligent. On the surface, they will seem to be uninterested in education and facts, but this is not true. The INTJ personality type will study facts and figures very thoroughly, but they will usually play down their intelligence in order to help others feel better about themselves.

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