Personality List

    Bridgette Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bridgette? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bridgette from Total Drama 2007 and what is the personality traits.


    ISFP (9w1)

    Bridgette personality type is ISFP, or Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceptive. It’s a good match to Bridgette’s personality because Bridgette is a quiet woman who keeps to herself and is very quiet when she speaks. She also has a good sense of self awareness and is very aware of how she acts in different situations.

    Bridgette is a very well read woman and she is a very well read book lover. She loves reading and she loves reading about people’s lives and she loves reading about other people’s love lives. She also loves books about how to be a better person and how to be a better friend.

    Bridgette’s favorite color is red, her favorite food is pasta and she loves the movie Jaws.

    Bridgette’s favorite movie is Jaws and she also loves the movie Good Will Hunting. She loves the movie Jaws because the story line was really good and she loves the shark in the movie because she believes that sharks are misunderstood creatures that are really intelligent and they need to be taken care of.

    Bridgette is a calm, compassionate surfer girl who loves animals as much as she loves the water. She is a vegetarian, finding animals to be her friends, not food. In contrast to her aquatic aptitude, Bridgette is known for being clumsy on land, which often leads to severe results. Many aspects of Bridgette's character are revealed in Brunch of Disgustingness, when she refuses to give up her principles, no matter what. When she joins the remaining Screaming Gophers females, she faces one of her biggest challenges in getting them to work as a team. She believes in "building bridges, not walls", even when the competition is not a factor. Through Bridgette's spirit and determination, she always reaches her goal, whether it is getting her team to unite or anything else she sets her mind to. Bridgette commonly shows disapproval for unnecessary violence and conflict. According to Bridgette herself, she cannot stay mad at someone for very long, at most holding a "six-minute" grudge.

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