Personality List

    Reki's dad Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Reki's dad? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Reki's dad from Skinfinity and what is the personality traits.

    Reki's dad

    ESTJ (6w5)

    Reki's dad personality type is ESTJ, but she has spent most of her life and her adult life in a world of stereotypes, which she has never been able to escape. This has made her extremely self-conscious and defensive, and has left her with a lot of bitterness. She has a lot of difficulty trusting people, especially when they don't fit the stereotypes she has learned. She is also extremely loyal, which is another reason why she has difficulty trusting people.

    Rei's personality type is ENFJ, and she is the type that people have looked to for leadership since childhood. She is extremely sociable and outgoing, and she can get along with any person, no matter their background. She is always trying to bring people together to make the world a better place. This means that Rei's ideal world is one where everyone can get along and live together in harmony and peace.

    Kensuke's personality type is ENTJ, and he's known as the "Smartest man on Earth" because he's very good at making money. He's also very good at planning things out, and he's very good at manipulating people to get what he wants. He's also very curious about the world around him, and wants to know everything about it.

    Reki's dad

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