Personality List

    Purple Princess Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Purple Princess? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Purple Princess from Adventure Time 2010 and what is the personality traits.

    Purple Princess

    ESFJ (XwX)

    Purple Princess personality type is ESFJ, and it is more common in men. ESFJs are extremely compassionate and loving people who are always concerned about others. They have a very soft, gentle outer appearance, yet they are tough and can be tough when they need to be. ESFJs take their job as a leader very seriously and often have a reputation for being very demanding of themselves and others. ESFJs are more likely to bond with people through shared activities and through emotional intimacy, but they also enjoy the intellectual stimulation of a deep conversation. They are not naturally great at dealing with people who are stronger or more powerful than them, but they can become good at it in the context of a relationship.

    ESFJ women tend to feel the full force of their ESFJ personalities when it comes to marriage. In fact, many ESFJs do not seek out marriage or long-term relationships because of how intimidating it can be in their own lives. Once a woman has experienced it, however, she tends to be very interested in finding another ESFJ for a partner. These women want to live and work in harmony with another person, and in many ways that is what a wedding is all about.

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