Personality List

    Devon Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Devon? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Devon from Turning Red 2022 and what is the personality traits.


    ISFP (9w8)

    Devon personality type is ISFP, which means they are likely to like to be alone, and they can be very quiet. This is a very rare personality type, as it is unusual for an ISFP to like to be alone. They often have a friend or two that they go to when they are feeling lonely, but they are usually more social than others may think.

    ISFP's do not like to be in large groups of people unless they know the people very well. They are great friends and make great friends, but they don't like to be in large groups of people that they don't know. They are excellent listeners and want to be around people, but they also like to be alone.

    ISFP's also can be very indecisive and tend to procrastinate. They don't like to do things unless they are 100% sure of what they want to do. ISFP's can also be very creative and love to make things. Being creative is a big deal for ISFP's, as it releases their pent up energy and helps them feel more balanced and relaxed.

    ISFP's are excellent at writing and expressing themselves with words, and they do this with a passion.

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