Personality List

    Mei's Grandma Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mei's Grandma? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mei's Grandma from Turning Red 2022 and what is the personality traits.

    Mei's Grandma

    ESTJ (1w2)

    Mei's Grandma personality type is ESTJ, which is a very rare personality type that is found in 1% of the population. This means that Mei's personality type is one of the rarest types, and she is one of the most unique characters in the series. ESTJs are dependable and practical people who like to be organized and follow a system. They are very good at following directions, as well as meeting deadlines. They also take their jobs very seriously, and will work hard to complete a task. Although they are very dependable, they are also very stubborn and not very patient. They tend to be practical and realistic, and dislike wasting time, which can lead to some impatient behavior.

    Due to their practicality, ESTJs can sometimes be viewed as "too responsible." They are honest and reliable, but can be somewhat dull and unexciting. They are also often viewed as being materialistic, which can make them seem "cold." ESTJs can be seen as bookish or even nerdy due to their practicality, but there is another side to them that is rich in emotion. They can be caring, warm-hearted, and even sentimental people. They have a rich inner world that can make them seem enigmatic and mysterious.

    Mei's grandmother

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