Personality List

    Eriko Hirano Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Eriko Hirano? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Eriko Hirano from Kimi Ni Todoke and what is the personality traits.

    Eriko Hirano

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Eriko Hirano personality type is ISFJ, which means she is Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. ISFJs are introverts. They need to spend time alone for self-reflection. They are loyal and sincere to their friends and family. They are very practical and like to stick to the rules of society. They are not innovative and don’t like to experiment. ISFJs are good at delegating to others. They want to be needed by others and take care of people around them. ISFJs are good planners. They value honesty, loyalty and tradition. ISFJs are good at taking care of their home and family. They also like to organize their things so that everything is in its proper place. They want their home to be clean and organized. ISFJs are good at making decisions and following through with their plans. They value truth and fairness. ISFJs are good at making decisions in a logical way. They are usually good at staying organized. ISFJs are very loyal to their friends and family. They take care of those they love and are very sensitive to others’ needs and feelings.

    Eriko is one of Sawako's classmates and friends. She is also close to Tomomi Endou, who is also Sawako's friend.

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