Personality List

    Yui Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yui? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yui from Kimi Ni Todoke and what is the personality traits.


    INFP (6w7)

    Yui personality type is INFP, and this is the reason why she is so shy and quiet. … I think she's more than just shy, she's also self conscious and feels the need to constantly prove that she's not, in fact, a fool. She doesn't like to be the center of attention, and will do just about anything to avoid it. She's also very much aware of other people's feelings and will take great pains to try and ignore them. … The only one that didn't seem to have a problem with her being there is Shiki. He seemed to see it as a good thing that he was there as well. He doesn't appear to have a problem with her being there."

    "He didn't seem to have a problem with her being there?"

    "Yeah, he didn't seem to care at all."

    "Ahaha… … I see."

    "I don't know what you're so surprised about. He's always been pretty laid back about things like that."

    "Yeah, I guess so."

    She was surprised because she had never heard him say anything particularly positive about the girl before. He had always spoken of her in a very negative manner.

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