Personality List

    Terri Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Terri? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Terri from Amphibia 2019 and what is the personality traits.


    INTP (4w5)

    Terri personality type is INTP, or the “thinker” personality type. They are extremely analytical and analytical thinking is what they live to do. They live to solve problems, analyze data, and create new solutions. This personality type is known to use logic with all their decisions. They are driven to be the best they can be, and they are highly motivated.

    INTPs are often introverted, but not always. It can be that they are so driven to use their analytical thinking that they don’t want to let anyone close to them because they might distract them from their goal. This can leave them with few friends and relationships.

    Another trait of the INTP personality type is that they are very detail-oriented. This means that if people don’t take the time to explain themselves completely, they can become frustrated. They want things to make sense and be logical, so if it doesn’t, it frustrates them.

    People with this personality type are often independent and stubborn. They have a tendency to have their own way and say no to any requests at all.

    Unlike her former boss Dr. Frakes, Terri is down to earth and respectful. She helps Anne rescue the Plantars from Dr. Frakes at the cost of her job. Terri uses her own resources to build a new portal for the Plantars.

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