Personality List

    General Fong Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of General Fong? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for General Fong from Avatar The Last Airbender 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    General Fong

    ESTJ (3w2)

    General Fong personality type is ESTJ, and the only exception is the fact that the two ESTJ's I knew were also leaders. Both were leaders of different groups, but both were leaders. One was a leader and the other was a President (executive leader). The only other time I've ever known an ESTJ to be a leader of a group is when they're in leadership positions within their own companies. ESTJ's also tend to be very traditional and often stick to tradition. They're also often very blunt and judgmental people, as well as very private people. ESTJ's can be very capable leaders, but they don't tend to lead people as much as they lead people around. ESTJ's are also very loyal, as long as they have a good reason for being loyal. If they have a strong connection to a person or a cause, then they're loyal for a very long time. If there's no reason behind their loyalty, then they become disloyal very quickly. ESTJ's can be pretty stubborn people as well. They have a hard time admitting that they're wrong, even when they've been proven wrong time and time again. ESTJ's are also very practical people, and the only exception to this is when it comes to relationships.

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