Personality List

    Raava Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Raava? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Raava from The Legend Of Korra 2012 and what is the personality traits.


    ISTJ (1w9)

    Raava personality type is ISTJ, the Guardian. The ISTJ personality type is the Guardian type and one of the 16 personality types.

    ISTJs (Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging) share their life with the outside world and even other people. They seek to learn and understand how things work and how to apply them to their own life. They become experts on how things work and why they work as they do. If something is not working, they want to know why so they can try to change it or fix it. They want progress and efficiency in their life.

    They learn best by doing. They attend to what is happening right now and what is happening in reality at the moment. They want to know the facts and that is all that matters to them. They will learn best by reading and by listening. They take in information by reading and listening and then digesting the information and processing it for themselves.

    The ISTJ personality type may be called a “Guardian” because he or she makes sure that no harm comes to others or to themselves. They make sure that the information they have been given is accurate and true. They make sure that what they have been taught actually works for them.

    Dedicated to her task as protector of the world's balance, Raava could be abrasive to anyone who posed a threat to it. Although she fought Vaatu for the betterment of both spirits and humans, she could be judgmental toward humankind, deeming them all to be incapable of nobility, courage, and care for anyone else besides themselves. As such, she was quick to blame Wan for his mistakes and remained alert for further errors. However, over time, she realized that she had been too harsh to judge all humans to be the same and came to care deeply for Wan and his future reincarnations; each reincarnation of the Avatar allowed Raava to experience what it truly meant to be human and come closer to understanding them.

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