Personality List

    Most Common Types In Women Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Most Common Types In Women? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Most Common Types In Women from Population and what is the personality traits.

    Most Common Types In Women

    ESFJ (6w7)

    Most Common Types In Women personality type is ESFJ, the Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging type. ESFJ's are people who are warm and friendly and are able to get along well with most people. They are usually very organized and responsible, and tend to be well liked by others. ESFJ's also tend to be very interested in people, and have a good ability to accept responsibility. ESFJ's make good spouses because they are good at taking care of other people and organizing their lives. ESFJ's also make excellent caregivers because they are so pleasant and caring.

    The second most common type in women is ISTJ, the Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging type. ISTJ's are known as the "rock" of the group, because of their reliability and hard work. They maintain order and follow set procedures, and are usually well liked by others. ISTJ's make good spouses because they tend to be very organized and responsible and make good parents. ISTJ's also make excellent caregivers because they tend to be very reliable and hard working.

    The third most common type in women is ESTJ, the Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging type.

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