Personality List

    The Least Common Thinking (Head) Enneatype Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Least Common Thinking (Head) Enneatype? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Least Common Thinking (Head) Enneatype from Population and what is the personality traits.

    The Least Common Thinking (Head) Enneatype

    ENTJ (5w4)

    The Least Common Thinking (Head) Enneatype personality type is INTJ, the “Logic” personality. They are the leader of the group, the one who can see patterns, who has a plan, and who does the thinking.

    The Least Common Thinking (Heart) Enneatype personality type is ESFJ, the “Compassion” personality. They are the one who is responsible for holding the group together, who is friendly and loving, and who can be relied upon.

    How can you spot a NTP? “It’s not a bad thing to be different,” says Dr. Burns. “It’s a bad thing when we don’t like what we are different from.” She explains that ENTPs often get started in the arts, or in an engineering career, but they don’t stay in those fields. They want to be their own boss. So they tend to work in consulting or management consulting, or they start their own business. They love to think on their toes.

    Dr. Burns adds that NTPs often become entrepreneurs. They love finding new opportunities and taking risks. They are always thinking of new ways to do things and create new products or services.

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