Personality List

    Konstantin Ivlev Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Konstantin Ivlev? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Konstantin Ivlev from Culinary Arts and what is the personality traits.

    Konstantin Ivlev

    ESTJ (1w2)

    Konstantin Ivlev personality type is ESTJ, or is a "traditionalist."

    Like the ISTJ, the ESTJ is a conservative, practical, and pragmatic type.

    ESTJs are organized, dedicated to "the system," and may be seen as "by-the-book" or "by-the-numbers." They are not impulsive or "wild and crazy" like the ESTP.

    ESTJs are indeed "by-the-book," but their preference for order, structure, and organization can also manifest in the form of rigidity, inflexibility, or even stubbornness.

    ESTJs are loyal to the system and are not likely to "shirk" their responsibilities.

    ESTJs may also be viewed as "stoic" or somewhat rigid in their thinking. This can be a difficult personality type to understand.

    ESTJs are not known for their sense of humor or social skills, nor are they likely to be "fun" at parties. (Unless they're feeling especially "up" on a night out.)

    ESTJs tend to be quite blunt and even "gruff" in their communication. They are often perceived as blunt, even rude by others.

    Российский шеф-повар, телеведущий, ресторатор. Основатель кулинарного направления «Новая Русская Кухня», компании Ivlev Group и Ivlev Chef Production. Концепт-шеф компании «Капитал Бизнес Групп». Входит во французскую гильдию гастрономов Chaîne des Rôtisseurs.

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