Personality List

    Riley's Mom's Sadness Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Riley's Mom's Sadness? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Riley's Mom's Sadness from Inside Out 2015 and what is the personality traits.

    Riley's Mom's Sadness

    ENFJ (2w1)

    Riley's Mom's Sadness personality type is ENFJ, which means she's an Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging type. An ENFJ is a comfort and caretaker, who is also a highly intuitive and imaginative personality. They are very good at reading people.

    What's Scary About Riley's Mom?

    She sees the world as a place of danger and negativity.

    She's a worrier.

    She sees threats and dangers everywhere.

    This can make her a little overprotective, especially of the family members she loves the most – Riley.

    For example, she's constantly worried that Riley will be hurt or even killed in some way.

    As a result, she tries to protect Riley from danger at any cost. In her mind, it's much safer to shelter Riley than to let him be exposed to the risks of the outside world.

    Why Do Riley's Mom and Dad Fight?

    Because they're different personalities, they don't always see eye to eye on parenting. This can be stressful on their marriage, especially when their own parenting styles are so different from each other.

    Here's an example from the show:

    In the episode "Friday Riley," Riley's parents fight because Mrs.

    Compared to Riley's Sadness, Mrs. Andersen have better emotional security; Sadness is much less melancholy and rather sensible.

    Although Sadness seems to be Mrs. Andersen's main emotion, it's technically Joy who commands the console. Whenever there's something for them to do, Sadness gives the order to Joy, who does as told.

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