Personality List

    Aura Blackquill Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Aura Blackquill? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Aura Blackquill from Ace Attorney and what is the personality traits.

    Aura Blackquill

    INTJ (5w6)

    Aura Blackquill personality type is INTJ, but in the game (and in the game's official guide) it's written as ISTJ.


    Aura is normally friendly, polite, and fair. She's usually very reliable and dependable. She takes great care in her work, and is proud of her own accomplishments. She is very rational (though way too serious at times), and she can be very observant. She's also quite proud of being a lawyer. She's also very serious, focusing on her work rather than on any other aspect of her life.

    She does have a very dry sense of humor, though, often making snide remarks about people, or making puns with her name. She also has a habit of being sarcastic, especially when she's thinking about something akin to a trial, or arguing with someone.

    She can be very proud of her own accomplishments, but she can also be very stubborn, not trusting others enough to tell them of her own failures or shortcomings. She also has a habit of being too proud of herself at times, which is what causes her to be more serious than necessary.

    She's very logical and rational, but she can be too rigid at times.

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