Personality List

    Plum Kitaki Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Plum Kitaki? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Plum Kitaki from Ace Attorney and what is the personality traits.

    Plum Kitaki

    ESTJ (XwX)

    Plum Kitaki personality type is ESTJ, although they can seem to be ISTJ or ENTJ.

    “I understand the world so well. I understand people so well. I just don’t understand myself.” – Plum Kitaki

    The ESTJ personality type is the best known and most common personality type and is also the personality type that is most likely to help you find a job. The ESTJ personality type is the personality type that has the longest average working life and works the hardest of all the personality types. The ESTJ personality type is also the most likely of the types to get married and have children.

    The ESTJ personality type is focused on getting things done, even if it means doing so in the most tedious way possible. They are methodical and efficient in everything they do, and are very good at organizing large amounts of data.

    ESTJs tend to be very good at working with other people, but they may be too rigid with their work methods for some people who are more spontaneous. The ESTJ personality type is very good at working alone until they need to work with other people.

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