Personality List

    Taketsuchi Auchi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Taketsuchi Auchi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Taketsuchi Auchi from Ace Attorney and what is the personality traits.

    Taketsuchi Auchi

    ESTJ (3w2)

    Taketsuchi Auchi personality type is ESTJ, which means “The Executive,” and the Taketsuchi Auchi ego function is Extraverted Sensing (Se). This personality type has a preference for practical matters, and dislikes being a spectator.

    The Taketsuchi Auchi type is governed by the element of Fire, which also means “The Individual.” Auchi, as a surname, comes from the Japanese word for “fire,” and their personal symbol is the red stylized flame. This is a common symbol of the Uesugi clan, the Sengoku period warrior clan from whom the Taketsuchi Auchi family descends.

    The Auchi family, who play a key role in Japan’s mythology, trace their origins to the island of Awa, which was part of the Ryūkyū kingdom. The Ryūkyū kingdom was a kingdom that existed on the main islands of Okinawa and Miyako before it became a province of Japan in 1879. The Uesugi clan first gained prominence in the Echigo-Tsumari area in the late Heian period, and were vassals to the Hōjō clan.

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