Personality List

    Goddess of All Creation Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Goddess of All Creation? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Goddess of All Creation from Lucifer 2016 and what is the personality traits.

    Goddess of All Creation

    ENTJ (8w7)

    Goddess of All Creation personality type is ENTJ, which is one of the most common personality types. ENTJs are often referred to as the "Commanders" of the personality types - they are capable of solving complex problems easily and quickly, although they will sometimes need to take time to gather the facts. ENTJs are constantly thinking about the future and constantly trying to improve their abilities. They are very goal-oriented and constantly evaluate which goals are important and which are not. ENTJ's long-term goals may not always be considered pleasant by other people, but they will usually achieve them due to their powerful drive for success.

    ENTJs often have leadership skills, and they are often excellent at making decisions that deal with business or politics. They can motivate other people, especially with their confidence and strong will, and they can easily persuade others to do things they wouldn't otherwise agree with. ENTJs are often good at winning arguments, with their logical reasoning and their ability to make people feel like they've won the argument even if they haven't.

    ENTJs are typically hard workers, with a strong work ethic. They will often put in long hours at work, with few exceptions.

    The infernal Goddess, wife of God and mother of all the angels of Heaven, makes her appearance in the second season. She uses the body of the deceased Charlotte Richards as a means to find her son Lucifer and reconcile with him, but at the end of that season she leaves Earth and goes to rule a parallel universe: this strangely brings Charlotte Richards back to life from Hell, who, during the third season, he decides to change his life to no longer live the hell he has been through.

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