Personality List

    Salty Sharp Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Salty Sharp? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Salty Sharp from Star Wars and what is the personality traits.

    Salty Sharp

    ISTP (7w6)

    Salty Sharp personality type is ISTP, ISFP or ISFJ. It can be seen as a pleasant combination of the two which is why the type has a reputation for being a nice person with a little extra pep in their step.

    Many ISTPs are less assertive than the SP types and they'll often choose to take the easy route instead of going all out. This plays out as a reluctance to fight, a tendency not to make waves and a need for others to make decisions for them.

    This makes them great friends, but not the best leaders as they'd rather not make anyone angry - especially themselves.

    If you ever meet an ISTP who is frighteningly deep, cynical or sadistic, it's best not to ask if this is their natural state of being. Many ISTPs will play along to avoid upsetting you, but they'll be secretly laughing at you behind your back.

    ISTPs are very easy to please and will accept just about anything as long as there are no expectations. They're likely to be less interested in life than the other types, content to just go along with whatever life throws at them.

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