Personality List

    Princess Princess Princess Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Princess Princess Princess? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Princess Princess Princess from Adventure Time 2010 and what is the personality traits.

    Princess Princess Princess

    ENFP (2w3)

    Princess Princess Princess personality type is ENFP, which means she is the extrovert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving type. Many people think that the word extrovert means that she is more outgoing and sociable than she really is. She can be really quiet and shy. She might be outgoing and sociable at times, but she is still introverted and quiet, she doesn't spend a lot of time socialising. She is not a gossip either. She is a really loyal friend. She is a listener and a good listener. She will listen to everything you have to say, not just what you ask for. She might be a little too trusting, but this is a problem with all types of introverts. Princesses are just more trusting than other types. What you really have to understand about Princesses is that they are intuitive and logical thinkers. They have good intuition but they have to use logic to make things work. They love puzzles, they love finding out what you are thinking and then they can make a plan to make things better. The type of people they like to talk to the most are people who are logical thinkers. They like to know what's going on in people's minds. They love analysing people and thinking up ideas.

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