Personality List

    Ryuko Baji "baji's mother" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ryuko Baji "baji's mother"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ryuko Baji "baji's mother" from Tokyo Revengers and what is the personality traits.

    Ryuko Baji "baji's mother"

    ESTJ (1w9)

    Ryuko Baji "baji's mother" personality type is ESTJ, and she is the provider, manager, and organizer of the family. When she is around, you can be sure that things will run smoothly. She is the one who plans meals, keeps the house clean, and attends to the needs of her children. She is also the one who makes decisions about the family, who does what, and who does what according to her ideas. "baji's father" is ENFJ. He is the one to communicate and connect with others. He is warm and caring, and he loves to talk about himself and his interests. He also makes decisions and plans for the family. "baji's sister" is ENTJ. This type is good at making decisions, planning, and organizing things. She is also the one to communicate openly, distinctly, and clearly with others. Her independence and initiative can sometimes get her into trouble, which can be a good thing or an hurtful thing. "baji's brother" is ESTJ. This is the original "baji", the one that was born with the original ESTJ personality type. He is very responsible and organized, he likes to take on challenges, and he takes care of his own needs as well as those of his family.

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