Personality List

    Kim Wexler Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kim Wexler? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul and what is the personality traits.

    Kim Wexler

    ESTJ (1w2)

    Kim Wexler personality type is ESTJ, which indicates that you are an Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging, and Introverted Sensing type. ESTJ is the most common type in the world, making up approximately 20% of the population.

    Extraverted (E), Sensing (S), Thinking (T), Judging (J), and Introverted (I) are the four functions of the mind. These are the way that people gather information, make decisions, and communicate. Extraverted means that extra energy flows out of the person and into the world. Introverted means that extra energy flows into the person and into the world.

    Extraverted (E) represents the direction of energy flow. Extraversion is the tendency to act on more of what you know or feel; more energy flows outward into your environment. Introversion is the tendency to act on more of what you know or feel; more energy flows inward into yourself.

    Sensing (S) is the ability to gather information about the environment. Sensing is about awareness of your surroundings, not only how the environment is but also what it means to you. Sensing is about recognizing how you are affecting or being affected by what you are seeing or doing.

    Kim is shown to be a highly intelligent, dedicated, caring, formidable and loyal woman who is a highly skilled lawyer. Despite a poor upbringing in Nebraska with a neglectful mother and few opportunities to thrive, Kim was able to get out and make something of herself, becoming one of the best lawyers at HHM as a result. Kim is shown to greatly cherish her work and her ability to help her clients and further the interests of her law firm. She is highly skilled at negotiation and devising legal strategies in order to get her clients the best deals possible, which earns her the praise of many lawyers. Despite poor treatment from her boss Howard Hamlin, Kim initially does not let grudges consume her and keeps her head down and works strongly to dig herself out of problems, showing her fearlessness and independence.

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