Personality List

    Emily Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Emily? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Emily from The Last Of Us and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (1w2)

    Emily personality type is ENTJ, and that's how I am too, but I'm a bit more introverted than most INTPs.

    Here's some things that I've learned about myself and INTPs in general:

    1. INTPs are very, very good at mathematics and logic, especially when it comes to systematizing their thinking. They are also very, very good at finding the right logical path to follow through their logic. That's why they're so good at designing software, making games, and writing books.

    2. INTPs are not good at socializing. When they are forced to, they can be pretty good at it and get along with others, but if they don't have to socialize then they prefer to do their own thing. They can be pretty charming when they're talking to someone, but they usually don't have a ton of free time or energy to socialize because they're too busy thinking about things.

    3. They don't like to spend their time on repetitive activities, like cleaning or cooking. Instead, they want to be doing something new and different all the time.


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