Personality List

    Namora Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Namora? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Namora from Mcu The Villains and what is the personality traits.


    ISTJ (6w5)

    Namora personality type is ISTJ, The Protector.

    My theory on Namora’s personality type is that she is a total and complete Protector. She wants to protect anyone and anything that she cares about. She might even protect you if she feels it’s the right thing to do.

    At the same time she will not hesitate to kick your… well you know. She’s a total badass, but she can be a bit clumsy at times.

    Namora could be an ISTJ because of her instinctual love for helping people, her need to protect others, her willingness to fight for what she believes in and her dislike of cruelty. She is also a very organized person and will definitely have a methodical approach to anything.

    I do believe that Namora has an ESFJ personality because of her passion for the welfare of others and her ability to build camaraderie with others. Also, ESFJs are known for their ability to empathize with others and to see their needs and make them feel safe.

    Namora personality type is ESTJ, The Logistician.

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