Personality List

    Married to an INFP Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Married to an INFP? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Married to an INFP from Chemistry & Compatibility and what is the personality traits.

    Married to an INFP

    ENFJ (5w6)

    Married to an INFP personality type is INTJ, the "The Architect." INTJs (like INFPs) tend to be more intense and more focused on a project. The INTJ focus on their ideas and systems may be more of a challenge for the INFP, who is more focused on relationships. However, INTJs can learn from their INFP partners how to better express their ideas and make them more "palatable" to other people.

    Although they are different personalities, INFPs and INTJs share a lot of common personality traits and are often attracted to each other. If you're dating an INTJ, you'll find out right away that they're a lot like you in certain ways. You'll both be focused on ideas, and they'll both want to create new things and new possibilities. You'll also want to dive into serious discussions on things that are important to you. And you'll both be very devoted to your ideas and your values. You'll both be capable of deep, passionate love when you find the right person. If you're dating an INFP, you'll also enjoy the fact that your partner is a lot like you in this respect.

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