Personality List

    Married to an INFJ Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Married to an INFJ? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Married to an INFJ from Chemistry & Compatibility and what is the personality traits.

    Married to an INFJ

    ENTP (7w8)

    Married to an INFJ personality type is ENTP, which has a reverse (opposite) personality, INFP. This means the INFP will be married to the ENTP.

    Like the INFJ, the ENTP personality is a unique combination of introverted thinking and extroverted feeling. Unlike the INFJ, however, the ENTP is more suited to the world of ideas and creative energy. The ENTP personality type also has a strong sense of humor, and often enjoys social interaction.

    While both types of personality types can have challenging relationships, they also have plenty of similarities when it comes to marriage.

    Introverted Feeling (Fi) + Extraverted Thinking (Te) = ENFP

    Fi + Te = ENTP

    INFJ vs ENFP - Personality Types on a Date

    The INFJ and ENFP personality types are a great match for each other because they have similar values. Both are intelligent, creative, and emotional. They both like to explore and experience new things.

    They also like to take care of others and make their lives better. These two personality types both want to make their partner happy, which makes them a great match for one another.

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