Personality List

    Andre Rush Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Andre Rush? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Andre Rush from Culinary Arts and what is the personality traits.

    Andre Rush

    ESTJ (XwX)

    Andre Rush personality type is ESTJ, while his name is suggestive of the CTS-N.

    He has a strong sense of duty, and he believes that someone must do the work.

    This is reflected in his character design, which shows a young, and somewhat naive-looking Rush with a red scarf and a red cap.

    Pilot episode appearances since then have shown him to be an older, more well-developed person. As a result, he received a lot more attention than his two teams.

    In season 2, it was revealed that Rush had been in the police force for 40 years and had an IQ of 170.

    Rush is the only male character to have served more than one female partner in the series.

    Rush is also one of the few characters to have never been shown in a negative light, besides being insensitive and sometimes selfish.

    However, due to his constant devotion to the field, he is generally portrayed as a very hardworking and dedicated individual.

    He is also one of the few characters to have had a positive influence on a character who was not his own partner.

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