Personality List

    Yaldabaoth Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yaldabaoth? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yaldabaoth from Persona 5 and what is the personality traits.


    ESTJ (8w9)

    Yaldabaoth personality type is ESTJ, and is represented by the letter Y. If you are an ESTJ, you are a typical go-getter. You definitely have a plan for your life, and you’re always working to achieve your goals. You appreciate order, and you’re usually pretty good at the details. You don’t like to make a big deal over anything, because you like to keep things simple. You’re very logical and realistic, so you’re always thinking about how things could be improved. It’s important to you that everyone is on the same page, and that everyone is able to work together as a team.

    You want to feel like you can count on people, so you’re usually not afraid to take on a leadership role in your relationships. You want to make sure everyone is taken care of, and you want to make sure everyone has their own responsibilities. You might even take on more than one leadership role at a time. You don’t like having others in charge of you, so you’re not afraid to tell people what to do when they get out of line.

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