Personality List

    Chisa Yukizome Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Chisa Yukizome? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Chisa Yukizome from Danganronpa 3 The End Of Kibougamine Gakuen and what is the personality traits.

    Chisa Yukizome

    ENFJ (2w3)

    Chisa Yukizome personality type is ENFJ, but her type is ENTJ.

    Chisa Yukizome's Myers Briggs type is ENFJ.

    Chisa Yukizome is in the Color Purple relationship, in the Secret Service relationship.

    Myers Briggs compatibility in detail

    People with the ISTJ personality type like Chisa Yukizome are faithful, loyal, modest, and dependable. They are also very organized and punctual. As long as they are in a familiar environment, they are very efficient. They are efficient with their time and their attention to detail. They are efficient when it comes to work. They can be very efficient in their duties when they are in a desirable role. They are smart and solve problems well. They are good at delegating tasks. They enjoy being in a position of authority and being able to help others. When they have a role, they tend to be efficient and do a good job.

    People with the INTP personality type like Chisa Yukizome are independent, curious, active, and energetic. They have a good imagination and problem-solving skills. They tend to get bored easily and get distracted easily. They often get lost in thought and tend to daydream.

    Chisa Yukizome (雪染 ちさ) is a character featured in Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School.

    During her time in Class 74th at Hope's Peak Academy, her title was the Ultimate Housekeeper (超高校級の「家政婦」 lit. Super High School-Level Housekeeper). After leaving Hope's Peak, her title was updated to the Former Ultimate Housekeeper. She later becomes a teacher in Class 77-b at Hope's Peak Academy.

    She is a member of the Future Foundation and is the Branch Office 5 Director.

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