Personality List

    Kotoko Fujioka Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kotoko Fujioka? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kotoko Fujioka from Ouran Koukou Host Club and what is the personality traits.

    Kotoko Fujioka

    ENFJ (2w1)

    Kotoko Fujioka personality type is ENFJ, an extroverted intuitive introvert. She is the quintessential diplomat, who goes to great lengths to establish good relationships with members of all other personality types. This extroversion gives her a holistic perspective that she applies to all her relationships.

    Kotoko often sees the world in black and white, and this is an important part of her leadership. If she is not convinced that her ideas are the best, she will not fully commit to the project, instead opting to leave the leadership role to someone else. Kotoko is not one to be intimidated by authority or demanding behavior, and she is quite comfortable with the idea of doing things her way.

    Kotoko is also highly adaptable, and quickly learns to adapt to new situations. This adaptability allows her to be very successful in many roles, but it also makes her quite unstable. While she is often able to adapt to new situations, she can be quite defensive about her ideas or point of view. She can be quite stubborn, and it can be hard for her to admit when she is wrong. This can lead to her being very unproductive when something does not go as planned, as she becomes defensive and disinterested in the project.

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