Personality List

    Aristotle Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Aristotle? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Aristotle from Western Philosophy and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (5w6)

    Aristotle personality type is ENTJ, since the ENTJ is the very image of Aristotle's ENTJ personality type, which is all about using rational thought to pursue goals. ENTJ's are the most likely types to become philosophers. ENTJs are the only types that are more likely to become philosophers than scientists. ENTJs are also the most likely to become scientists than any other type, yet are the least likely to become scientists than any other type with ENTJ being second to ESFJ.

    ENTJ's are not known for being very empathetic, this is largely because ENTJs are not very good at reading other people's emotions or considering other people's opinions. ENTJs are not very good at reading other people's emotions or considering other people's opinions, which is why they are not known for being very empathetic. ENTJs are very good at achieving their goals and not wasting time on things that do not directly help them reach their goals. ENTJs do not like wasting time on things that do not directly help them reach their goals and will often immediately dismiss such things as trivial or unimportant.

    Aristotle (384–322 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist born in the city of Stagira, Chalkidiki, in the north of Classical Greece. Along with Plato, Aristotle is considered the "Father of Western Philosophy", which inherited almost its entire lexicon from his teachings, including problems and methods of inquiry, so influencing almost all forms of knowledge. Little is known for certain about his life.

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