Personality List

    Darby Sabini Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Darby Sabini? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Darby Sabini from Peaky Blinders 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Darby Sabini

    ESTJ (8w7)

    Darby Sabini personality type is ESTJ, which makes him an ideal candidate for life as a father. He’s passionate, responsible, and he knows how to make things happen. He’s also humble, kind, and appreciative of what he has.

    Being an ESTJ parent means accepting that your child is unique, and that means letting your kid be who they are. Sure, you can give them some advice along the way, but don’t try to change them into something they aren’t. Don’t try to make them into your idea of perfect. They will be their best self, but not yours.

    If you want to know what your child’s personality type is, take this free personality test from Personality Hacker.

    Your Child’s Childhood Memories

    ESTJs will have fond memories of their childhood. Whether they were raised in a traditional family or an unconventional one, they remember the love they received from their parents. They also recall their excitement in discovering their own abilities and interests.

    ESTJs will often have a “storybook” childhood memory in which they were the hero in their own story. It was a time when they felt safe and secure.

    Charles "Darby" Sabini was an Italian-English mob boss.

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