Personality List

    Bill Harper Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bill Harper? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bill Harper from Mr Robot 2015 and what is the personality traits.

    Bill Harper

    INFP (9w1)

    Bill Harper personality type is INFP, and he's a great writer and a great thinker. And that's what I found appealing about him. I just thought it was very, very interesting and lovely and very smart, and it really made me want to read the book.

    And then, of course, you said something I really loved, which is that he loves cats.

    Yeah. And I think that's the thing that makes him such a good character. He loves animals. He loves animals so much.

    I mean, he has a cat named after him, right?

    Yeah. [laughs] He's a cat lawyer.

    And he's fascinated by them. He really loves them and thinks about them and wonders how they work and thinks about their world and their thoughts and emotions and all that. And he really loves animals. That's what I loved about him. He's an animal lover. That's what I fell in love with him for.

    You say he's such a great thinker, right? So what did you learn from reading this book?

    I learned so much about people who think about the world in such interesting ways, and about their own personality type.

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