Personality List

    Joanna Wellick Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Joanna Wellick? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Joanna Wellick from Mr Robot 2015 and what is the personality traits.

    Joanna Wellick

    INTJ (3w4)

    Joanna Wellick personality type is ENTJ, with the most common type among persons that are Aerie assassins.

    Aerie is a member of the Aerie team, which is led by Peter Bishop.


    Aerie is a character who is part of the main cast of the series. She is a member of the Aerie team, a group of killers working for Mr. Pope.

    Physical appearance

    Aerie is a tall woman with long dark hair and a symmetrical face. Her eyes are grey and she has a thin but noticeable scar going across her face. She wears a black jacket over a yellow tank top and black pants. Her footwear consists of black boots with a high heel, similar to a dancer's. She has a red leather belt with a yellow buckle and a black holster on her right hip.

    Personality and traits

    Since being hired by Mr. Pope, Aerie has been noted to have two personalities: The first being her original, warm and friendly demeanor. The second being her cold, professional side.[1] In the past, Aerie was actually a very sweet and kindhearted young woman, but was manipulated by the Red Queen into being a ruthless murderer.

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