Personality List

    Seong Gi-hun‘s Mom Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Seong Gi-hun‘s Mom? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Seong Gi-hun‘s Mom from Squid Game 2021 and what is the personality traits.

    Seong Gi-hun‘s Mom

    ISFJ (2w1)

    Seong Gi-hun‘s Mom personality type is ISFJ, the type that helps others and is very protective of them. He is also very loyal, so much so that he can be too trusting of people. He is also optimistic, so he is always looking to the good side of things. When you see Seong Gi-hun in “Goblin,” he is the one who is always looking to the good side of things. He is almost always encouraging, or attempting to encourage, his friends in their actions. He is not one to live in the past, and often looks to the future in an encouraging way, always looking for hope.

    Hwang Jung-eum‘s Mom personality type is ENFJ, the type that tends to help others and is very compassionate. She can be a little too compassionate sometimes, especially when she is trying to help Seong Gi-hun fix his issues with his past. She will try to get Seong Gi-hun to go back on his word if she feels that he is not being honest with her. She can be a little too trusting of people, and a little too understanding of people’s needs.

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