Personality List

    Steve Dayton "Mento" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Steve Dayton "Mento"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Steve Dayton "Mento" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Steve Dayton "Mento"

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Steve Dayton "Mento" personality type is ENTJ, the executive function, who is a possibility of being one of the most powerful, influential, creative and intellectual people in the world. ENTJ's are quick, decisive, powerful and have a great deal of control over their lives. In fact they are so used to having control that many of them tend to run themselves into the ground by taking on too much responsibility and too much stress. Their ENTJ personality type is strong, often very strong.

    "Mento" personality type is ENTJ, the executive function, who is a possibility of being one of the most powerful, influential, creative and intellectual people in the world. ENTJ's are quick, decisive, powerful and have a great deal of control over their lives. In fact they are so used to having control that many of them tend to run themselves into the ground by taking on too much responsibility and too much stress. Their ENTJ personality type is strong, often very strong. Their Careers: ENTJ's may be great leaders, but they also have to be careful about how stressful their jobs become. They need to be able to manage their time well, and keep their stress levels in check.

    Steve Dayton, alias Mento, is a member of the Doom Patrol. He was married to teammate Elasti-Girl and they adopted Beast Boy. Extended use of his helmet eventually harmed his mental stability.

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