Personality List

    Steve Trevor Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Steve Trevor? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Steve Trevor from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Steve Trevor

    ISTP (6w5)

    Steve Trevor personality type is ISTP, which is a very rare type in the US. One of the most common ISTP personalities in the US is the “The Rock” type, who is a very successful actor and an embodiment of the ISTP type, which is why he has become so popular.

    ISTPs are usually very athletic and have a very strong sense of duty. In addition, they have a need to have a job that they enjoy and is very important to them. They also have a need to be able to take care of themselves and do things for themselves in a way that makes them feel independent. They feel a need to be independent in a way that doesn’t make them feel obligated to rely on others. They want to be able to take care of themselves and do things for themselves in a way that doesn’t make them feel obligated to rely on others. They want to be able to do things for themselves in a way that makes them feel independent. In addition, they have a need to have a job that they enjoy and is very important to them.

    ISTPs can be very creative and they love to be able to fix things and create things.

     Steve Trevor is a trusted friend, love interest, and partner who introduces Diana (Wonder Woman) to Man's World, and has served as Wonder Woman's United Nations liaison.

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