Personality List

    Ulysses Armstrong "The General" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ulysses Armstrong "The General"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ulysses Armstrong "The General" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Ulysses Armstrong "The General"

    ENTJ (5w4)

    Ulysses Armstrong "The General" personality type is ENTJ, which means they are both an "I" and a "J" (think Batman vs. Superman, Iron Man, or even Darth Vader). As the "I" side of the personality, they like to be in charge, to be successful and to be in control of things. They also like to clearly communicate their thoughts and their plans, and they like to be perceived as competent and smart. As the "J" side of the personality, they like to make quick decisions and make quick moves. They like to be seen as decisive and strong, and they like to show off their skills and abilities. They also like to be in control of things and like to be perceived as competent and smart.If you have an ENTJ boss, you are in for a very rewarding relationship! They are completely dedicated to you, their employees, so they put in tons of effort into making sure they are getting the best results possible. If you have an ENTJ boss, they are likely to give you so much responsibility so you can have more opportunities for advancement. They are very good at helping you out if you have any issues with work. They are good at being your mentor. They are also very good at building trust between you and them.

    Ulysses Hadrian Amrstrong is the General, a young super-genius who believes criminals should be hunted down and executed. He is the archenemy of Tim Drake A.K.A. Red Robin, the third Robin.

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