Personality List

    Ahmed Abou Hashima Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ahmed Abou Hashima? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ahmed Abou Hashima from Business and what is the personality traits.

    Ahmed Abou Hashima

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Ahmed Abou Hashima personality type is ENTJ, or 'The Expressive, The Juror-Intuitive, The Logistician'.

    The ENTJ is a Judging type who is always ready to discuss things and to discuss them with people and to analyse and to criticise. The ENTJ is always ready to point out other people's shortcomings and his own.

    They are good at planning and organising and they like to manage, to organise and to control. They like to be involved in everything and they like to take the lead. They like to be in charge. They like to make sure that others follow their orders and to be right, as they like to be correct.

    They also like to be in charge of the other people's money, as they like to make sure that other people pay for their services or products or services or products or anything that they need or want.

    ENTJs are good leaders and they are good at inspiring people and they are good at bringing out the best in other people. They have a lot of charisma and a lot of magnetism and they have a good sense of what people want and what people need.

    ENTJs are very good at getting things done.

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