Personality List

    Kuronuma Sawako Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kuronuma Sawako? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kuronuma Sawako from Kimi Ni Todoke and what is the personality traits.

    Kuronuma Sawako

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Kuronuma Sawako personality type is ISFJ, which is the second most common personality type in Japan.

    I think Kuronuma Sawako’s personality is very similar to the point of being the same, but it is also very different. She’s so similar to the point of being the same but also very different. I think it is because she is a clear individualist, but she is also very gentle so she has a soft side. She is very understanding, but she has a very strong sense of justice, so she is very strict. She’s very kind and thoughtful, but she is also very strict, so she can be very strict when it comes to love. I think she is the same as being the same but also very different.

    I think I have said everything about Kuronuma Sawako in this interview, so I hope you like it!

    Interview by: Rujiu (Aoi)

    Translated by: Aoi (Rujiu)

    Edited by: Anna (dwfrench)

    Sawako is a beautiful and considerably petite and slender girl.

    She is a high school girl in search of friendship, but her resemblance to the horror film character Sadako Yamamura made this difficult. Her peculiar levels of modesty and ineffective communication skills prevented her from correcting misconceptions. As a result, she was ostracized by her classmates and became socially inept. Still, she is a pure, positive, and caring person who works hard in everything she does.

    On the day of the entrance ceremony at Kitahoro High School, Sawako meets Shouta Kazehaya on the road by chance and helps him find his way. Due to his friendly and broad-minded nature, he is the first person she is able to smile genuinely around and get through to as herself and not Sadako. After this, her world begins to change as she learns to communicate her feelings and form close friendships with fellow humans, especially Chizuru Yoshida and Ayane Yano, for the first time in her life.

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