Personality List

    Yano Ayane Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yano Ayane? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yano Ayane from Kimi Ni Todoke and what is the personality traits.

    Yano Ayane

    INFJ (6w5)

    Yano Ayane personality type is INFJ, which is the rarest form of the “E” cognitive function. The rarest type of INFJ is the rarest type of all. It’s so rare, only 1% of people are INFJ, according to this study.

    The rarest type of INFJ is the rarest type of all. It’s so rare, only 1% of people are INFJ, according to this study.

    So, I’m curious about whether there are any Japanese women who are INFJ. So, I sent an inquiry to Japanese women who are also INFJ!

    I asked them to tell me how they feel about their experience with Japanese men. Here are the results…

    1. Japanese Men Are Very Nurturing

    “I love how Japanese men are very nurturing. They are always looking after me,” says Yui, 24, who lives in Tokyo.

    “Like when I run out of toilet paper in the bathroom, my boyfriend always gives me some. It makes me feel special.

    “Also, I love how he understands my feelings so well.

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