Personality List

    Kaguya Sumeragi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kaguya Sumeragi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kaguya Sumeragi from Code Geass and what is the personality traits.

    Kaguya Sumeragi

    ENFJ (7w6)

    Kaguya Sumeragi personality type is ENFJ, which means that she is a natural leader. She is also a well-known philanthropist, and she acts in a very caring, compassionate way. She is very spiritual, and she has a big heart. She loves to help other people, and she feels that the world is a much better place when everyone is happy.

    Kaguya Sumeragi's type is ENFJ

    Kaguya Sumeragi is very much in touch with her feelings, but she tries to keep her emotions in check when it comes to work. She is very practical, and she rarely gets emotional when planning strategy for the Future Foundation. Kaguya Sumeragi is also very hardworking, and she can put in long hours in order to reach her goals.

    Kaguya Sumeragi has an unusual ability to speak that isn't in English. She can speak in English, but she usually doesn't unless she's trying to get someone's attention or she's making a joke. Kaguya Sumeragi is also very popular on the internet because of his cute facial expressions and fun selfies on Twitter and Instagram.

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