Personality List

    Kyoshiro Tohdoh Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kyoshiro Tohdoh? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kyoshiro Tohdoh from Code Geass and what is the personality traits.

    Kyoshiro Tohdoh

    ISTJ (1w9)

    Kyoshiro Tohdoh personality type is ISTJ, which means he is a protector, he likes things orderly and neat, and he is responsible. He is logical, responsible, logical, responsible, responsible, responsible. Like the ISTJ personality type he is responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible, responsible.

    Yoshikage Kira personality type is ISFJ. Like the ISFJ personality type he is loyal to friends and family. He wants to work within an organization and be loyal to his superiors. He wants to make things orderly and neat. He wants things to be done in an orderly fashion. Like the ISFJ personality type he wants things to be orderly and neat. He is loyal to his superiors and wants things to be done in an orderly fashion.

    Sakura personality type is INFJ. Like the INFJ personality type he is empathetic. He wants to make things orderly and neat. Like the INFJ personality type he wants things to be orderly and neat. Like the INFJ personality type he wants things to be orderly and neat.

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