Personality List

    TheraminTrees Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of TheraminTrees? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for TheraminTrees from Psychology & Personal Development and what is the personality traits.


    INTP (1w9)

    TheraminTrees personality type is ISFJ, a Guardian.

    A quick look at the ISFJ function table shows us how this role is so well equipped to take care of others:

    ISFJs have a very strong need to take care of others and they strive to do so in a very successful and efficient way. In this they are highly successful, but they can also be quite controlling, which can cause problems in the home when the children become teenagers.

    They are very good at organizing and planning, which is why they often end up in careers that involve organizing and planning. Because of their strong desire to take care of others, ISFJs often work in roles where they can make a difference in people’s lives. They are often social workers, nurses, caretakers, and teachers.

    Adult-oriented channel that explores issues around abuse, manipulation, dogma and systems of undue influence.

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