Personality List

    Stanley Milgram Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Stanley Milgram? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Stanley Milgram from Psychology & Neuroscience and what is the personality traits.

    Stanley Milgram

    INTP (XwX)

    Stanley Milgram personality type is INTP, or the “Architect” type. In the context of this article, it is important to note that INTPs are often not named as such. Most INTPs are not self-identifying as INTPs, and they may have difficulties naming the type they are. For example, they are not likely to call themselves “Architects” or “Theorists” or “Inventors.” They may be called “theoretical” or “logical” people or “creative” or “artistic” people, or others.

    (3) I am also curious about my own iNtuition. I have a great sense of awareness of people’s feelings and emotions. This leads me to often be aware of my own feelings and emotions. I am also generally very aware of my surroundings and my environment. I am very interested in what is going on around me and how things work. I am also a very good memory for details and often remember images and details about a person and the way that person looks or acts.

    (4) I have a lot of drive to achieve things.

    Stanley Milgram (August 15, 1933 – December 20, 1984) was an American social psychologist, best known for his controversial experiments on obedience conducted in the 1960s during his professorship at Yale.

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