Personality List

    "Half Asian Lawyer" Bill Richmond Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of "Half Asian Lawyer" Bill Richmond? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for "Half Asian Lawyer" Bill Richmond from Political Commentators and what is the personality traits.

    "Half Asian Lawyer" Bill Richmond

    INTP (6w7)

    "Half Asian Lawyer" Bill Richmond personality type is INTP, who is also (and not surprisingly) an atheist. That's not what the question is asking, but please please please don't start making these kind of arguments on this site, because they're incredibly irritating. The question is about the "half Asian lawyer" part of the personality type. The personality type of "half Asian lawyer" is SJ.

    You don't need to know anything about personality type to answer the question properly, but it might help you to have an idea of the questions you're being asked.

    Bill is an Attorney and founder of Business and Platt Cheema Richmond PLLC, a Business and Real Estate Law Firm based in Dallas, TX. He also frequently guests on Steven Crowder's "Good Morning, Mug Club".

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